Early interventions and disability insurance: experience from a field experiment
Publicerad i: Ekonomisk Debatt 2013, årgång 41, nr. 2, sid. 28-36 The Economic Journal, 2017, vol. 127, no. 600, pp. 363–392
Sammanfattning av Working paper 2012:9
This paper estimates the effects of early interventions in the Swedish sickness insurance system. The aim of the interventions is to screen and, further to, rehabilitate sick listed individuals. We find that the early interventions – in contrast to what is expected – increase the inflow into disability benefits by around 20 percent. In order to explain the results, we develop a simple theoretical model based on asymmetric information of the health status. The model predicts that the treatment effect is larger for individuals with low incentives to return to work. In order to test this prediction we estimate effects for sick listed employed and unemployed separately. Consistent with the model’s prediction, we find that the effect is larger for the unemployed than for the employed.
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