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The value of a third year in upper secondary vocational education - Evidence from a piloting scheme
Erika Ekström
The 1991-reform of upper secondary school, in which the two-year vocational programmes were transformed into three-year programmes, was implemented all over the country in 1995/96. The reform was pilo...
A cross-country comparison of labor market frictions
Geert Ridder Gerard J. van den Berg
In this paper we define and estimate measures of labor market frictions using data on job durations.We compare different estimation methods and different types of data. We propose and apply an unco...
Optimal unemployment insurance with monitoring and sanctions
Jan Boone Peter Fredriksson Bertil Holmlund Jan van Ours
This paper analyzes the design of optimal unemployment insurance in a search equilibrium framework where search effort among the unemployed is not perfectly observable. We examine to what extent the o...
Dynamically assigned treatments: duration models, binary treatment models, and panel data models
Jaap H. Abbring Gerard J. van den Berg
Often, the moment of a treatment and the moment at which the outcome of interest occurs are realizations of stochastic processes with dependent unobserved determinants. Notably, both treatment and out...
An econometric analysis of the mental-health effects of major events in the life of older individuals
Major events in the life of an older individual, such as retirement, a significant decrease in income, death of the spouse, disability, and a move to a nursing home, may affect the mental health statu...
Minimum wages and employment in Swedish hotels and restaurants
Per Skedinger
This paper considers the optimal hiring strategy of a firm that is unable to observe the productive abilities of all its applicants. Whom the firm considers as hireable, will depend crucially on the e...
Imperfect information, wage formation, and the employability of the unemployed
Stefan Eriksson
This paper considers the optimal hiring strategy of a firm that is unable to observe the productive abilities of all its applicants. Whom the firm considers as hireable, will depend crucially on the e...
Do university enrollment constraints affect education and earnings?
In most countries the number of places at the universities is restricted. This paper estimates the effect of university enrollment constraints in 1982 on years of education and earnings in Sweden 1981...
Income effects from labor market training programs in Sweden during the 80's and 90's
Thomas Andrén Björn Gustafsson
Swedish labor market programs appear large from an international perspective, yet their consequences are not fully investigated and understood. In this paper we estimate a switching regression model w...
Economic incentives and gender differences in work absence behavior
Göran Broström Per Johansson Mårten Palme
We estimate a labor supply model on a random sample of Swedish male and female blue collar workers to study the effect of economic incentives on work absence behavior. We observe work absence for each...