Visar 1-10 utav 26 Rapporter
Inference for shared-frailty survival models with left-truncated data
Gerard J. van den Berg Bettina Drepper
Shared-frailty survival models specify that systematic unobserved determinants of duration outcomes are identical within groups of individuals. We consider random-effects likelihood-based statistical ...
Is welfare dependency inherited? Estimating the causal welfare transmission effects using Swedish sibling data
Karin Edmark Kajsa Hanspers
This study tests whether individuals who grow up with parents on welfare benefits are themselves more (or less) likely to be welfare recipients as young adults, compared to individuals who grow up in ...
Education policy and early fertility: lessons from an expansion of upper secondary schooling
Hans Grönqvist Caroline Hall
This paper studies effects of education policy on early fertility. We study a major educational reform in Sweden in which vocational tracks in upper secondary school were prolonged from two to three y...
The role of marriage in the causal pathway from economic conditions early in life to mortality
Gerard J. van den Berg Sumedha Gupta
This paper analyzes the interplay between early-life conditions and marital status, as determinants of adult mortality. We use individual data from Dutch registers (years 1815-2000), combined with bus...
Manager impartiality? Worker-firm matching and the gender wage gap
Lena Hensvik
This paper examines whether women benefit from working under female management using Swedish matched employer-employee panel data. I account for unobserved heterogeneity among both workers and firms p...
Are homosexuals discriminated against in the hiring process
Ali Ahmed Lina Aldén Mats Hammarstedt
This paper presents the first field experiment on sexual orientation discrimination in the hiring process in the Swedish labor market. Job applications were sent to about 4,000 employers in 10 differe...
The effect of education policy on crime: an intergenerational perspective
Costas Meghir Mårten Palme Marieke Schnabel
A number of studies have shown that education reforms extending compulsory schooling reduce criminal behavior of those affected by the reform. We consider the effects of a major Swedish educational re...
Substitution between temporary parental leave and sickness absence
Malin Persson
This paper studies interrelations between two benefits in the Swedish social insurance system: the sickness insurance and the temporary parental benefit. The level of compensation differs between the ...
When strong ties are strong – networks and youth labor market entry
Francis Kramarz Oskar Nordström Skans
The conditions under which young workers find their first real post-graduation jobs are both very important for the young’s future careers and insufficiently known given their public policy implicatio...
Earnings, income and poverty among welfare leavers in Sweden
Anna Persson
Given the trend towards more active policies on reducing the take-up of welfare benefits, the consequences of leaving welfare on individual well-being constitutes a significant issue. This paper studi...