Visar 1-10 utav 26 Working papers
Gender differences in absence from work: Lessons from two world wars
This paper traces the origins and early history of perceived gender differences in absenteeism in Great Britain and the USA. Among politicians and scholars, the problem was first articulated during Wo...
Illness-related absence among preschool children: insights from a health intervention in Swedish preschools
We evaluate the effect of a preschool health intervention aimed at reducing infections through improved hygiene practices and training of the staff. The large-scale design enables us to study heteroge...
On statistical methods for labor market evaluation under interference between units
Maria Karlsson Mathias Lundin
Evaluation studies aim to provide answers to important questions like: How does this program or policy intervention affect the outcome variables of interest? In order to answer such questions, using t...
Modern family? Paternity leave and marital stability
Arizo Karimi Daniel Avdic
We study the effects of unanticipated changes to the intra-household division of parental leave on family stability exploiting two parental leave reforms in Sweden. Using a fuzzy regression discontinu...
On the use of register data in educational science research
Register data are described, in general terms and in specific terms, focusing on informational content from an educational science perspective. Arguments are provided for why educational scientists ca...
Relations between immigration and adult skills: findings based on PIIAC
The international survey of adult skills, PIAAC, records large differences in numeracy and literacy skills between immigrants and non-immigrants. We examine how these differences relate to the countri...
Stereotypes of physical appearance and labor market chances
Mahmood Arai Marie Gartell Magnus Rödin Gülay Özcan
Using an experimental setup involving 436 case workers at the Swedish Public Employment Service (SPES) as subjects and the profile photographs and recorded voices of 75 jobseekers as treatments, we re...
Dynastic human capital, inequality and intergenerational mobility
We study the importance of the extended family – or the dynasty – for the persistence in human capital inequality across generations. We use data including the entire Swedish population, linking four ...
Born to lead? The effect of birth order on non-cognitive abilities
We study the effect of birth order on personality traits among men using population data on enlistment records and occupations for Sweden. We find that earlier born men are more persistent, socially o...
Active labor market policies
Gerard J. van den Berg Bruno Crépon
Active labor market policies are massively used with the objective being to improve labor market outcomes of individuals out of work. Many observational evaluation studies have been published. In this...