Trends in absolute income mobility in North America and Europe
Sammanfattning av Working paper 2020:11
We compute rates of absolute upward income mobility for the 1960-1987 birth cohorts in eight countries in North America and Europe. Rates and trends in absolute mobility varied dramatically across countries during this period: the US and Canada saw upward mobility rates near 50% for recent cohorts, while countries like Norway and Finland saw sustained rates above 70%. Decomposition analysis suggests that differences in the marginal income distributions, especially the amount of cross-cohort income inequality, were the primary driver of differing mobility rates across countries. We also demonstrate that absolute mobility rates can be accurately estimated without linked parent-child data.
Keywords: Intergenerational mobility, absolute mobility, inequality
JEL-codes: J62
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De flesta barn har i vuxen ålder högre inkomst än sina föräldrar