Lisa Laun
Associate Professor

Lisa Laun received her Ph.D. in Economics from Stockholm University in 2012 and was awarded docent (Associate Professor) at Stockholm University in 2020. She has been working as a researcher at IFAU since 2012. Her research interests lie within labor economics and social insurance, in particular the labor market of elderly workers, public programs for long-term sick and unemployed, earnings dynamics and the Swedish welfare system. Her research has been published in international journals and book series, as well as in popular writingRead more on Lisa Launs personal webpage.
Research areas
Projects and publications at IFAU
Working papers
- Pension reform, incentives to retire and retirement behavior: empirical evidence from Swedish micro-data
- Earnings losses and the role of the welfare state during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Sweden
Earnings dynamics of immigrants and natives in Sweden 1985–2016
Quantitative Economics, (Nov 2022), Vol 13, no. 4, pp. 1803-1847
- Earnings dynamics and firm-level shocks
In-work benefits across Europe
Arbeid och inntektssikring - Tiltak for okt sysselsetting, NOU 2019:7, Norges offentlige utredninger
Does job search assistance reduce unemployment? Experimental evidence on displacement effects and mechanisms
Journal of Labor Economics (June 2023)
The recent rise of labour force participation of older workers in Sweden
University of Chicago Press (dec. 2019), Chapter 10, p. 231-265
Rehabilitation of mental illness and chronic pain – the impact on sick leave and health
Evaluation Review (dec. 2020), vol. 44, no. 2-3, pp. 185-217
- Health, work capacity and retirement in Sweden
Screening stringency in the disability insurance program
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2014, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 873-891