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Education is a central feature in the lives of children, youths and many adults – from preschool to higher education and adult education. The costs for education are primarily costs for personnel and premises. For older students, education also means loss of income. Incomes are created if the education provides knowledge and skills that are valued on the labour market and by society as a whole.
Within research on the economics of education, we study how different investments in education affect people’s welfare, their success on the labour market and society as a whole. It might take some time before it is possible to evaluate the labour market effects of individual measures since the individuals must first complete their education and then enter the labour market. Thus, it is common for research to study factors that experience shows to be connected to success on the labour market, for example grades and exam results or measures of motivation, endurance and discipline.
We study how individuals’ skills, welfare and their situation on the labour market are affected by:
-time period in education, field of study and the organiser of the education
-resources in the educational system
-how the education is organised
-family background and incentives for education
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Fristående gymnasieskolor - Hur påverkas elevers studievägar och arbetsmarknadsutfall?
Karin Edmark Carla Haelermans Iftikhar Hussain
Gymnasial yrkesutbildning för arbetslösa 2000–2021
Linus Liljeberg Sara Roman Martin Söderström
Nyanlända i skolan - hur påverkas skolresultaten?
Anna Sjögren Anton Sundberg Demid Getik
Familjebakgrund och likhet i syskons livsutfall
Erika Forsberg Akib Khan Olof Rosenqvist
Lärares professionella villkor
Catarina Player-Koro
Vem drabbas hårdast av att förlora jobbet?
Susan Athey Oskar Nordström Skans Lisa Krystyna Simon Johan Vikström Yaroslav Yakymovych
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Migration inflow and the school performance of incumbent students
Anna Sjögren Anton Sundberg Demid Getik
Unpacking the impact of voucher schools: evidence from Sweden
Karin Edmark Carla Haelermans Iftikhar Hussain
Do sibling correlations in skills, schooling, and earnings vary by socioeconomic background? Insights from Sweden
Erika Forsberg Akib Khan Olof Rosenqvist
The heterogeneous earnings impact of job lossacross workers, establishments, and markets
Susan Athey Oskar Nordström Skans Lisa Krystyna Simon Johan Vikström Yaroslav Yakymovych
Optimal redistribution and education signaling
Spencer Bastani Tomer Blumkin Luca Micheletto
The Boost for reading
Helena Holmlund Josefin Häggblom Erica Lindahl
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Researchers/Research Officers
Research in progress
Schools and students in disadvantaged areas
Technological change, family background and career choice
Upper secondary education and labour market outcomes
Worker specialisation and the consequences of occupational decline
Evaluation of the equality grant
The effect of migration policies in Sweden on the integration of immigants, human capital accumulation and education decisions