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IFAU evaluations will constitute the decision data and be a good source of knowledge for decision makers, white-collar workers and other individuals interested in society. In an evaluation of how, for example, participation in a labour market policy programme affects an individual’s possibilities to obtain work, we must in some way answer the question of what the situation would have been like if the individual had not participated. Finding a comparison group that represents this puts large requirements on the methods used in order to carry out the evaluations.
Our work in this area partly concerns developing statistical methods for analysing information that has already been collected and partly carrying out tests and implementing measures in a way that makes evaluations possible. An area where we have been particularly active as concerns statistical methods is so-called survival analysis where we study what governs for how long a period an individual is unemployed or absent due to illness for example. In close cooperation with other agents, we also work on collecting data and carrying out various kinds of tests in order to be able to study what are the effects of different types of reforms and measures in as certain a way as possible.
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Vem drabbas hårdast av att förlora jobbet?
Susan Athey Oskar Nordström Skans Lisa Krystyna Simon Johan Vikström Yaroslav Yakymovych
De långsiktiga kostnaderna av att förlora jobbet
Jonas Cederlöf
Ökar uttaget av lägstanivådagar i föräldraförsäkringen om ersättningen höjs?
Olof Rosenqvist Håkan Selin
Att bedöma undervisningskvalitet för barns utveckling och lärande i förskolan - Dimensioner av att mäta kvalitet utifrån ett dynamiskt systemperspektiv
Sofia Frankenberg
Arbetsmarknads- och hälsoeffekter av IVF: Lärdomar från ändrad medicinsk praxis i Sverige
Sonia Bhalotra Damian Clarke Hanna Mühlrad Mårten Palme
Mamman som förvald barnbidragsmottagare -Effekter på långsiktig fördelning av barnbidraget och jämställdhet i hushållet
Erica Lindahl Olof Rosenqvist Håkan Selin
New working papers
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All working papers-
The heterogeneous earnings impact of job lossacross workers, establishments, and markets
Susan Athey Oskar Nordström Skans Lisa Krystyna Simon Johan Vikström Yaroslav Yakymovych
Reconsidering the cost of job loss
Jonas Cederlöf
Can model averaging improve propensity score based estimation of average treatment effects
Shaobo Jin Valentin Zulj
Explaining benefit take-up behavior – the role of incentives and habits
Olof Rosenqvist Håkan Selin
The Early childhood scaffolding scale - conceptual framework, operationalization and functionality
Sofia Frankenberg
Measuring effects of second wave activation: A theoretical model and tutorial for activation programme evaluation
Rickard Ulmestig Ingeborg Waernbaum
Researchers/Research Officers
Research in progress
An Examination of the Usability of Identification Strategies by Chetty and Hendren in a European Context
Job search, motivation and the labour market outcomes
School autonomy and subject-specific timetables
The effects of higher flat rate parental leave benefits
The effects of targeted interventions to support refugee pupils