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Labour force participation, employment and unemployment are three macroeconomic quantities for describing the labour market. The labour force consists of those who are employed – those who want to work and actually have a job – and those who are unemployed – those without a job, but who also want to work and are also looking for a job. Labour force participation is often expressed as the share of the labour force of the population of working age, while employment and unemployment are expressed as the number of employed and unemployed, respectively, in relation to the labour force.
An aim for labour market policy is to stimulate labour supply and create permanent higher employment and lower unemployment. Thus, the effects of these measures are crucial when evaluating labour market policy but also in evaluations of education-, social insurance and family policy.
Our research also includes questions on the other determining factors of labour force participation, employment and unemployment such as for example: legislation on employment protection, taxation, monetary policy, immigration and health of the population. But also on relations that go in the opposite direction such as effects of periods outside the labour force, or in unemployment, on future sickness absence, ill health, income and employment.
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Samverkan mellan kommuner och Arbetsförmedlingen
Alexandru Panican Rickard Ulmestig Jonas Månsson
Ursprung, normer och arbetsmarknadseffekter av att få barn
Karimi Arizo Anton Sundberg Olof Åslund
Arbetsmarknadsanknytning och utbildning: Skillnader mellan svensk och utländsk bakgrund
Mattias Engdahl Linus Liljeberg
Vårdnadsbidragets effekter på föräldrars inkomstutveckling och barns skolresultat
Caroline Hall Erica Lindahl Sara Roman
Vilka gruppers sjukfrånvaro ökar om man inte behöver visa upp läkarintyg?
Yaroslav Yakymovych
Lokala åtgärder för unga som varken arbetar eller studerar
Tomas Korpi Renate Minas
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Origin, norms, and the motherhood penalty
Karimi Arizo Anton Sundberg Olof Åslund
Increased flexibility in childcare arrangements: impacts on parents’ careers and children’s school performance
Caroline Hall Erica Lindahl Sara Roman
Medical certificates and sickness absence: who stays away from work if monitoring is relaxed?
Yaroslav Yakymovych
Territorial capacity and territorial outcomes
Tomas Korpi Renate Minas
Mandatory notice and layoff, job search, and efficiency
Jonas Cederlöf Peter Fredriksson Arash Nekoei David Seim
The health effects of a youth labor market activation policy
Caroline Hall Linus Liljeberg Kaisa Kotakorpi Jukka Pirttilä
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Taxation of housing
Matchningsproblem, långtidsarbetslöshet och arbetsmarknadspolitik efter pandemin i de Nordiska länderna
Evaluation of a discontinued dividend tax reform
Job search, motivation and the labour market outcomes
En utvärdering av Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin
Deaton Review of Inequality: Country studies