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Social interaction has an effect on our decisions and possibilities, both at school and on the labour market. Interview-based studies show that social contacts work as an important source of information for employers and job seekers and that informal recruitment channels are important in the hiring process. Behaviour among student friends, neighbours, family and colleagues can also create social norms that affect one’s own behaviour in different respects. In order to understand to what extent social environments affect our behaviour and our possibilities at school and in working life, the research carried out in particular deals with:
-how social contacts affect individuals’ abilities to find and get jobs
-how differences in the supply of, and the use of, social networks create employment- and wage differences on the labour market
-how educational choices and school performance are affected by the behaviour of school friends
-how behaviour and norms in the social context (for example among family, colleagues and neighbours) affect individual productivity, sick leave behaviour and fertility decisions.
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Ursprung, normer och arbetsmarknadseffekter av att få barn
Karimi Arizo Anton Sundberg Olof Åslund
Vem drabbas hårdast av att förlora jobbet?
Susan Athey Oskar Nordström Skans Lisa Krystyna Simon Johan Vikström Yaroslav Yakymovych
En utvärdering av Stockholms stads sommarjobbsprogram för unga 2012–2018
Daniel Knutsson Björn Tyrefors
Ursprungslandets pensionsåldersregler och invandrades pensionsbeslut
Olof Åslund Axel Cronert
"Jag hade inte en tanke på att man kunde bli så mycket sexuellt trakasserad på jobbet"
Maria Hedlin Eva Klope
Mamman som förvald barnbidragsmottagare -Effekter på långsiktig fördelning av barnbidraget och jämställdhet i hushållet
Erica Lindahl Olof Rosenqvist Håkan Selin
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Origin, norms, and the motherhood penalty
Karimi Arizo Anton Sundberg Olof Åslund
The heterogeneous earnings impact of job lossacross workers, establishments, and markets
Susan Athey Oskar Nordström Skans Lisa Krystyna Simon Johan Vikström Yaroslav Yakymovych
Labor market effects of a youth summer employment program in Sweden
Daniel Knutsson Björn Tyrefors
Origin country institutions and immigrant retirement timing
Olof Åslund Axel Cronert
Gender-targeted transfers by default? Evidence from a child allowance reform in Sweden
Erica Lindahl Olof Rosenqvist Håkan Selin
Immigrant peers in the class: responses among natives and the effects on long-run revealed preferences
Helena Holmlund Erica Lindahl Sara Roman
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