An evaluation of the job and development guarantee
Dnr: 132/2024
We evaluate how participation in the Job and Development Guarantee (JDG) affects the chances of long-term unemployed individuals finding employment and their future earnings. Upon entering JDG, the benefit level is reduced from 70 to 65 percent, meaning that both lower compensation and active participation influence outcomes. To distinguish between these effects, we also analyse groups that are unaffected by the reduction due to the benefit cap or the basic benefit level.
The study covers the period 2007–2022 and is based on register data from the Swedish Public Employment Service and Statistics Sweden (SCB).
JDG is the largest programme run by the Public Employment Service, covering two-thirds of job seekers in active labour market programmes. It targets the long-term unemployed and includes job-matching services, work experience placements, vocational training, and education. Participation is a prerequisite for receiving activity support, which at most corresponds to 65 percent of previous income.