The functioning of the labour market
Research areas
Showing 1-10 of 15 Projects
Effekter av arbetstagarrepresentanter i bolagsstyrelser
Bakgrund och syfte
Sedan 1976 har organiserade arbetstagare på alla aktiebolag eller ekonomiska föreningar med 25 eller fler anställda en lagstadgad rätt att kräva två ...
Evaluation of a discontinued dividend tax reform
Johan Holmberg Håkan Selin
Since 2006, most dividends from closely held companies, regulated by the so-called 3:12-rules, have been taxed at a rate of 20%. In 2016–17, there was a political process that many observers bel...
Skillnader i arbetsmarknadsanknytning och utbildningslängd mellan personer med utländsk bakgrund och inrikes födda
I denna rapport undersöker vi skillnader i utbildningslängd, sysselsättning och inkomster mellan tre grupper: utrikes födda, inrikes födda med utländsk bakgrund och inrik...
Worker specialisation and the consequences of occupational decline
Simon Ek Peter Fredriksson
According to a standard Roy model, when the demand for labour in an occupation declines, the utility loss of an incumbent worker is determined by the initial difference between the utility associated ...
Outside opportunities and the gender pay gap
Peter Fredriksson Dogan Gülümser Lena Hensvik
A growing literature suggests that outside job offers are an important component of on-the-job wage growth. A standard hypothesis is that the labour market is characterised by a sequence of offers fro...
Labour-market drivers of intergenerational earnings persistence
It is a well-established fact that children from high-income families tend to have high incomes themselves. However, the knowledge about what explains this intergenerational income correlation is more...
Hälsa och ekonomiskt välbefinnande
Paula Roth
Hur väl skyddade är svenska hushåll mot det ekonomiska bortfall som följer efter sjukdom eller ett dödsfall i familjen? Vilka effekter har ett dödsfall på den efte...
Relative income within households and labour supply: Evidence from a teacher salary increase
Erik Grönqvist Lena Hensvik Anna Thoresson
Previous research indicates that the relative income between spouses matters for the division of labour within the household. This project aims at contributing to this literature by taking advantage o...
The long arm of recessions: Evidence from Sweden's great economic crisis
This project studies the long-term individual effects of the major economic crisis in the early 1990s in Sweden. We particularly focus on differences in the magnitude of the crisis between different l...
Technological change, family background and career choice
Mattias Almgren John Kramer Peter Nilsson Josef Sigurdsson
Although technological advances improve productivity and standards of living, not all workers gain equally. New technologies are likely to have distributional consequences by creating winners and lose...