Accepted articles
Showing 1-10 of 378 Published in
Spencer Bastani
Ylva Moberg
Håkan Selin
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (2021), vol. 123, no. 1, pp. 33-59
Estimating participation responses using transfer program reform
Working paper 2016:1
Edoardo Acabbi
Cristina Barcelo
Antoine Bertheau
Andreas Gulyas
Stefano Lombardi
Raffaele Saggio
American Economic Review: Insights vol. 5, no. 3, September 2023, pp. 393-408
The unequal consequences of job loss across countries
Working paper 2022:10
Evelina Lundberg
Helena Svaleryd
Social Science & Medicine Volume 318, February 2023, 115605
Birth order and child health
Working paper 2017:16
Adrian Adermon
Martin Nybom
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2024) Online first
Trends in absolute income mobility in North America and Europe
Working paper 2020:11
Matz Dahlberg
Johan Egebark
Ulrika Vikman
Gülay Özcan
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (January 2024) vol. 217, pp. 614-630
Labor market integration of low-educated refugees
Working paper 2020:21
Caroline Hall
Erica Lindahl
Linus Liljeberg
Labour Economics Volume 86 (January 2024) 102477
Firm responses to a more generous insurance against high sick pay costs
Working paper 2022:14
Adrian Adermon
Lisa Laun
Patrik Lind
Jan Sauermann
Anna Sjögren
Martin Olsson
Review of Income and Wealth (December 2023) online first
Earnings losses and the role of the welfare state during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Sweden
Working paper 2022:20
Georg Graetz
Oskar Nordström Skans
Björn Öckert
Journal of Human Resources (June 2023) vol. 58, no. 5
Family background and the responses to higher SAT scores
Working paper 2020:8
Maria Cheung
Johan Egebark
Anders Forslund
Lisa Laun
Magnus Rödin
Johan Vikström
Journal of Labor Economics (June 2023)
Does job search assistance reduce unemployment? Experimental evidence on displacement effects and mechanisms
Working paper 2019:25
Erica Lindahl
Olof Rosenqvist
Håkan Selin
Labour Economics (May 2023), On-line first (
Gender-targeted transfers by default? Evidence from a child allowance reform in Sweden
Working paper 2023:4