Showing 1-10 of 18 Published in
Jonas Cederlöf
Peter Fredriksson
Arash Nekoei
David Seim
The Quarterly Journal of Economics (February 2025) Volume 140, Issue 1, Pages 585–633
Mandatory notice and layoff, job search, and efficiency
Working paper 2024:16
Eva Klope
Maria Hedlin
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (2024) Volume 14, Issue 1, page 79–101
"Jag hade inte en tanke på att man kunde bli så mycket sexuellt trakasserad på jobbet"
Rapport 2024:1
Andrea Ichino
Martin Olsson
Barbara Petrongolo
Peter Skogman Thoursie
Journal of Labor Economics (August 2024)
Economic incentives, home production and gender identity norms
Working paper 2019:11
Martin Söderström
Håkan Selin
Dingquan Miao
The Economic Journal (October 2024)
Earnings responses to even higher taxes
Working paper 2022:12
Gerard J. van den Berg
Stefano Lombardi
Johan Vikström
Econometric Reviews (September 2024) Volume 44
Empirical Monte Carlo evidence on estimation of Timing-of-Events models
Working paper 2020:26
Gerard J. van den Berg
Iris Kesternich
Gerrit Müller
Bettina M. Siflinger
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (November 2024) Volume 227, 106706
Reciprocity and the interaction between the unemployed and the caseworker
Working paper 2020:13
Spencer Bastani
FinanzArchiv (August 2024) Volume 80 / Issue 3, pp. 259-302
Perspektiv på konsumtionsbeskattning
Rapport 2022:10
Olof Åslund
Lisa Laun
Fredrik Larsson
Labour Economics (August 2024) Volume 89.102599
Joining late, leaving early? Immigrant-native disparities in labor market exit
Working paper 2023:15
Anna Thoresson
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (January 2024) Volume 16, no. 1
Employer concentration and wages for specialized workers
Working paper 2021:6
Spencer Bastani
International Tax and Public Finance (August 2024) Online first
The marginal cost of public funds: A brief guide
Working paper 2023:14