Research areas
Showing 1-10 of 10 Working papers
The multi-dimensional nature of labor demand and skill-biased technical change
Investigating the robustness of the skill-biased technical change hypothesis, this analysis incorporates two novel features. First, effective labor is modeled as the product of a quantity measure – nu...
Do benefit cuts boost job-findings? Swedish evidence from the 1990s
Kenneth Carling Bertil Holmlund Altin Vejsiu
In June 1995, the Swedish parliament decided to cut the replacement rate in unemployment insurance from 80 percent to 75 percent, a change that took effect on January 1, 1996. This paper examines how ...
Direct displacement effects of labour market programmes: the case of Sweden
Matz Dahlberg Anders Forslund
Using a panel of 260 Swedish municipalities over the period 1987-1996, this paper investigates the direct displacement effects of active labour market programmes (ALMPs). Compared to earlier studies o...
Self-employment grants vs. subsidized employment: Is there a difference in the re-unemployment risk?
Kenneth Carling Lena Gustafson
Self-employment grants and employment subsidies are active labor market programs that aim at helping unemployed workers to escape unemployment by becoming self-employed or being hired at an initially ...
Unemployment duration and heterogenous search behavior among Swedish disabled workers
Maria Melkersson
Return to employment, after a period of unemployment, is analyzed for a large sample of Swedish occupationally disabled workers. A piece-wise constant model is used, extended to allow for Gamma hetero...
Job flows in Swedish manufacturing 1972-1996
Fredrik Andersson
This paper deals with the heterogeneous employment outcome at the plant level in Swedish manufacturing over the period 1972-96.
Non-negligible gross flows of jobs is found to be a pronounced feature ...
Swimming with the tide: solidarity wage policy and the gender earnings gap
Per-Anders Edin Katarina Richardson
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of wage compression for the gender wage gap in Sweden during the period 1968-1991. We find that the effects of changes in the wage structure on women’s...
Survey evidence on wage rigidity and unemployment: Sweden in the 1990s
Jonas Agell Per Lundborg
This study reports the results from a repeat survey among managers in Swedish manufacturing, designed to explore how a severe and prolonged macroeconomic shock affects wage rigidity and unemploy...
Policy programmes only for a few? Participation in labour market programmes among Swedish disabled workers
Maria Melkersson
In a large sample of Swedish unemployed disabled workers, the workers participate in between zero and ten policy programmes during their unemployment spell. Clustering of programmes to about half of t...
Municipal labour demand
Pål Bergström Matz Dahlberg Eva Mörk
In this paper we investigate the determinants of municipal labour demand in Sweden 1988-1995. Utilising a major grant reform in 1993, through which a switch from mainly targeted to mainly general cent...