Research areas
Showing 1-10 of 29 Reports
Cheaper childcare, more children
We study the effect of child care costs on the fertility behavior of Swedish women and find that reductions in child care charges influence fertility decisions, even when costs are initially highly su...
Estimating dynamic income responses to tax reforms: Swedish evidence
Bertil Holmlund Martin Söderström
We study income responses to income tax changes by using a large panel of Swedish tax payers over the period 1991–2002. Changes in statutory tax rates as well as discretionary changes in ta...
Last in, first out? Estimating the effect of seniority rules in Sweden
David von Below Peter Skogman Thoursie
In this paper we investigate whether a relaxation in seniority rules (the ‘last-in-first-out’ principle) had any effect on firms’ employment behaviour. Seniority rules exist in several countries and, ...
The effect of active labor market programs on not-yet treated unemployed individuals
Labor market programs may affect unemployed individuals' behavior before they enroll. Such ex ante effects are hard to identify without model assump-tions. We develop a novel method that relates self-...
One size fits all? The effects of teacher cognitive and non-cognitive abilities on student achievement
Erik Grönqvist Jonas Vlachos
Teachers are increasingly being drawn from the lower parts of the general ability distribution, but it is not clear how this affects student achievement. We track the position of entering teacher...
On mandatory activation of welfare receivers
Matz Dahlberg Kajsa Hanspers Eva Mörk
This paper investigates whether mandatory activation programs for welfare receivers have effects on welfare participation, employment and disposable income. In contrast to earlier studies we are able ...
The dynamics of combining self-employment and employment
Frédéric Delmar Tim Folta Karl Wennberg
This study examines the extent to which wage-earning workers are simultaneously self-employed, a phenomenon not thoroughly investigated in earlier studies. We use matched employee-employer databases t...
Proxying ability by family background in returns to schooling estimations is generally a bad idea
Erik Mellander Sofia Sandgren-Massih
A regression model is considered where earnings are explained by schooling and ability. It is assumed that schooling is measured with error and that there are no data on ability. Regressing earnings o...
The effects of mixed-age classes in Sweden
Elly-Ann Lindström Erica Lindahl
Mixed-aged classes (MA-classes) are a common phenomenon around the world. In Sweden, these types of classes increased rapidly during the 1980:s and 1990:s. But the scientific evidence of the benefits ...
Technology, institutions and allocation of time in Swedish households 1920-1990
Lars Svensson
The modernisation of Swedish households during the twentieth century prompted a considerable productivity growth in household production, which reduced the time input for a fixed volume of routine hou...