Research areas
Showing 1-10 of 28 Working papers
The skill-specific impact of past and projected occupational decline
Lena Hensvik Oskar Nordström Skans
Using very detailed register data on cognitive abilities and productive personality traits for nearly all Swedish males at age 18, we show that employment in the recent past has shifted towards skill-...
Measuring job openings, evidence from Swedish plant level data
Niels-Jakob Harbo Hansen
In modern macroeconomic models job openings are a key component. Thus, when taking these models to the data we need an empirical counterpart to the theoretical concept of job openings. To achieve this...
A laptop for every child? The impact of ICT on educational outcomes
Classrooms all over the world are becoming increasingly technologically advanced. Many schools today provide a personal laptop or tablet to each pupil for use both in the classroom and at home. The in...
Does job search assistance reduce unemployment? Experimental evidence on displacement effects and mechanisms
This paper uses a large-scale two-level randomized experiment to study direct and displacement effects of job search assistance. Our findings show that the assistance reduces unemployment among the t...
The intergenerational effects of parental incarceration
Will Dobbie Hans Grönqvist Susan Niknami Mårten Palme Mikael Priks
We estimate the causal effects of parental incarceration on children’s short- and long-run out-comes using administrative data from Sweden. Our empirical strategy exploits exogenous varia-tion i...
Is regulatory compliance by employers possible without enforcement?
Axel Cronert
This study shines new light on an ongoing debate about the extent to which discouraging enforcement activities are necessary to make regulated actors comply with government regulations. Specifically, ...
Threat effects of monitoring and unemployment insurance sanctions: evidence from two reforms
Stefano Lombardi
This paper studies threat effects of unemployment insurance (UI) benefit sanctions on job exit rates. Using a difference-in-differences design, I exploit two reforms of the Swedish UI system that made...
How much does marital sorting contribute to intergenerational socio-economic persistence?
This paper investigates to what extent assortative mating contributes to intergenerational earnings persistence. I use an errors-in-variables model to demonstrate how pooling of partners’ &lsquo...
Does inequality reduce mobility?
A body of evidence has emerged in the literature on intergenerational mobility documenting that countries with large income differences also have less intergenerational mobility: a relationship known ...
Individual consequences of occupational decline
Per-Anders Edin Tiernan Evans Georg Graetz Sofia Hernnäs Guy Michaels
What are the earnings and employment losses that workers suffer when demand for their occupations declines? To answer this question we combine forecasts on occupational employment changes, which allow...