Research areas
Showing 1-10 of 23 Reports
Increased flexibility in childcare arrangements: impacts on parents’ careers and children’s school performance
We study the effects of access to a child home care allowance on parents’ labor supply and childcare decisions, as well as their longer-term earnings trajectories and children’s school per...
Migration inflow and the school performance of incumbent students
We examine how exposure to recent migrants affects the academic performance of Swedish students. To identify the effect, we exploit variation in exposure to recent migrants between grades in a given s...
Overconfidence and gender gaps in career outcomes: insights from a promotion signaling model
Gender differences in overconfidence are well documented in the empirical literature, but their impact on labor market outcomes remains underexplored. We provide new insights into how behavioral biase...
Taxing dividends in a dual income tax system
In a dual income tax (DIT) system, labor income is taxed progressively, while capital income is subject to a lower proportional tax. DIT systems were introduced in Sweden, Norway, and Finland in the e...
Medical certificates and sickness absence: who stays away from work if monitoring is relaxed?
Yaroslav Yakymovych
Sickness insurance guarantees employees the right to take leave from work when they are sick, but is vulnerable to excessive use because monitoring of recipients’ health is difficult and costly....
Territorial capacity and territorial outcomes
Tomas Korpi Renate Minas
Youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) is a heterogeneous group in which many run the risk of long-term exclusion from the labor market and from society. Numerous national and internati...
Unpacking the impact of voucher schools: evidence from Sweden
Karin Edmark Carla Haelermans Iftikhar Hussain
Research on voucher schools has mainly focused on whether students experience improved academic results in these schools and whether they generate competitive pressure for public schools. In this pape...
Mandatory notice and layoff, job search, and efficiency
In all OECD countries, Mandatory Notice (MN) policies require firms to inform workers in advance of a layoff. In our theoretical framework, MN helps workers avoid unemployment and find better jobs by ...
The health effects of a youth labor market activation policy
We examine the health effects of a labor market activation policy, the Youth Job Guarantee, implemented in Sweden in 2007. To estimate the causal effects of this policy on health, we implement an RD-d...
Do sibling correlations in skills, schooling, and earnings vary by socioeconomic background? Insights from Sweden
Family background shapes individual outcomes throughout life. While the existing literature documents how the importance of family background, typically measured by the degree of sibling correlation i...